New Blog on the Block  

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I am starting a blog. I am still unsure how to get going but here it is my first attempt. This will be mostly about my knitting. I have been knitting since October of 1999. My son graduated from high school and joined the Navy in November of 1998 and has not been home since, except to visit. He now lives in Jacksonville, Florida when he is not out on deployment. Once he graduated and left I found myself with a lot of extra time. I realized that we had spent a lot of time together and I really missed him. I was feeling the empty nest syndrome in a bad way.

I work in an office all day and I realized that I needed a creative outlet. I did stamping, it was okay but how many cards can a person make, really. I started scapbooking and it is okay. I knew how to crochet so I made a blanket or two but it was boring just making blankets. I still needed something else to do. Then, the light came on and I discovered knitting and yarn stores.

I made a deep purple vest as my first project. It was too short and too wide but I enjoyed making it and that is what started me on my knitting adventure. Stamping is okay, scrapbooking is okay but it all cuts into my knitting time and I have so much to knit and so little time.

More later after I figure out how to get photos in here!

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